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Flushes, poor sleep and mood changes all contribute to feeling tired.


Feeling tired is a common experience during perimenopause and menopause. Many things happen to impact your energy levels – disrupted sleep, altered mood and all the stressors that pull and push us at this time in our life.

It is not uncommon for mid-life women to be managing combinations of caring for children, parents, partners whilst working and facing self identity challenges. Hormonal changes, specifically a drop in oestrogen, can also directly affect your energy levels. 

There are also some medical causes of fatigue or low energy:

  • depression and other mental health problems

  • an under-active thyroid

  • low iron levels (from heavy bleeding).

Make sure you check with your doctor to see if any of these apply to you.

Once you have excluded a medical cause of fatigue, then addressing these lifestyle factors can help: 

  • make sure you get enough sleep

  • get regular physical activity (but perhaps keep it gentle)

  • take time out to do something you enjoy

  • eat a healthy diet – enough calories, proteins and not too much sugar

  • avoid too much alcohol

  • don’t depend on caffeine to lift your energy.


This information is for general educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please see your health professional for advice that is personalised to you.
Key Take Aways

Prioritise your sleep

Make sure to take time for yourself.

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