viv initial phone visit


A viv initial assessment phone visit can be booked with our menopause experts.

Prior to your visit you will be asked to complete a detailed health form which your doctor will review before the appointment. Each visit takes 30 minutes and during this time we will discuss your symptoms, your health and your treatment options and preferences.

After your visit you have the opportunity to become a viv+ member, where we provide ongoing medical support.

An initial phone visit includes:
  • detailed health form completed beforehand
  • telehealth phone appointment
  • personalised plan and clinical report
  • prescription if required
Not included:
  • any medications, which will need to be purchased from your local pharmacy
  • any general medical care – we provide a specialised menopause service and cannot provide care for any non-menopause related health matters
Please note:
  • medicare rebates are not currently available for our appointments.
  • you must be in Australia at the time of your appointment.
If you would prefer to have your visit as a video booking click here

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Dr Juliet Tait

Dr Juliet Tait is a GP with over 25 years of experience. She is passionate about Women’s Health and Mental Health, particularly around a woman’s journey through the perimenopause and menopause. She takes a holistic approach and likes to address the many facets of a woman’s experience over this time using hormonal and non-hormonal methods.

Dr Louise Tulloh

Louise is a doctor with over 30 years’ experience. She has had a career-long interest in treating female hormonal issues – both athletes and the problems associated with hormone changes of middle years. Her personal menopause experience led to the realisation that Australian females deserve better care and the birth of viv! She is a member of the Australasian Menopause Society and a Fellow of the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians.