Feeling sore all over can just be hormonal.

Pain in your muscles and joints is surprisingly common with perimenopause and menopause. In addition to general aches and pains you may experience an aggravation of osteoarthritis, back pain, migraines, old injuries and even fibromyalgia.

It is not well understood why females get these symptoms however it might be due to the loss of anti-inflammatory effects of both progesterone and oestrogen. Certainly a lack of sleep and depressed mood around this time can aggravate your aches and pains.

The regular treatments for your aches and pains of course still apply, such as medication, having physical therapies and staying active.

Some other strategies for your menopausal aches and pains
  • stay physically active – regular yoga or outdoor exercise such as walking

  • try to get enough sleep

  • magnesium supplements

  • anti-inflammatory supplements such as omega 3 and tumeric

  • menopausal hormone therapy.

This information is for general educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please see your health professional for advice that is personalised to you.
Key take aways

Keep active despite your aches and pains


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