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There are many reasons why we should all try to get at least 5 serves of vegetables each day, but it’s not as easy as it first may sound, particularly when you don’t know what a serve of various vegetables looks like.

Louise and I got together in the kitchen the other day for our first “kitchen conversation” to discuss the matter.


Let’s look at why it’s important to eat 5 serves a day.

Nutrient dense – more bang for your bite

Vegetables are a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They provide vital nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and dietary fibre, which are necessary for maintaining good health and preventing various illnesses.

Fibre content

Vegetables are a significant source of dietary fibre which is essential for digestive and gut health. Fibre helps regulate bowel movements and can reduce the risk of constipation. It also contributes to a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight management. 

Disease prevention

Consuming a variety of vegetables can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in vegetables have been shown to have protective effects against these conditions.

Weight management

Vegetables are low in calories and high in fibre and are essential to lose weight healthily. Eating more vegetables can help you feel full and satisfied without consuming excessive calories.

Improved digestion

The fibre in vegetables aids digestion and provides our gut bacteria with the food they need to support a healthy gut microbiome. A healthy gut is as important for physical health as it is mental health.  

Healthy skin

Many vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants which contribute to healthy, radiant skin. Vitamin C, in particular, supports collagen production, which is essential for skin health.

Healthy eyes

Some vegetables, such as carrots and spinach, contain nutrients like beta-carotene and lutein that are beneficial for eye health and can reduce the risk of conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts.

Overall wellbeing

A diet rich in vegetables is associated with improved overall well-being and quality of life. People who consume a variety of vegetables tend to have more energy, better mental health, and lower levels of stress.



Roughly, a serve of vegetables weighs 75g and is about 1 cup of light, leafy vegetables such as spinach, or 1/2 cup of sliced denser vegetables such as capsicum.

What is a serve of vegetable? 

Tips for Achieving 5 Serves a Day

Achieving 5 serves a day, unless you’re quite strategic about it, can be hard and there are many days where I can fall short of the target if I make a conscious effort to do it. 


Green Smoothie 

Add to the blender 2 cups of baby spinach, 75 g cucumber, a handful of mint, a small apple, date, some lemon and cold water and you have a tasty, energy -boosting, nutritious smoothie which, shared between 2 people over the course of the day, clocks up 2 serves each. 



A salad sandwich is nice, but a salad with a slice of bread on the side assures you of getting more veggies. A cup of salad greens, small handful of cherry tomatoes, diced cucumber, capsicum, and avocado, dressed with a nice salad dressing (homemade is always better) and the protein of your choice and you’ve boosted your intake with a further 3 serves. 



If you’re used to hiding veggies in the Bolognese sauce for the kids, add some more for yourself; mushrooms, capsicum, diced zucchini, and fennel are delicious with most tomato-based sauces. They also spread the meal further, making it more economical, and more nutritious overall. And, if you think meat and 3 vegetables sounds old fashioned and boring, meat, fish, or chicken with a variety of vegetables was the staple of generations before us who didn’t suffer the obesity issues we have today.  Dress up the veggies with olive oil, salt and lemon juice, or serve with accompanying salsa verde, or chimichurri and you’ve boosted your intake even further. 


Judy Davie – The Food Coach 





This information is for general educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please see your health professional for advice that is personalised to you.
Key Take Aways

Vegetables are full of nutrients, fibre and low in calories


A serve is roughly-

75 grams or

1 cup of light, leafy vegetables or

1/2 cup sliced, dense vegetables


Other resources

Kitchen conversation – vegetables